Neil Macy

First release of the RunningTrack marketing website

I've published the first version of the website for Running Track. It’s available at It's a very early design, I have lots that I want to tweak, but this is a site that will evolve, not a placeholder.

It's built using Publish (just like this site). It's a static site generator built with Swift, which helps keep it quick and easy for me to work with. I build the site with GitHub Actions and deploy the generated HTML and CSS to Cloudflare Pages to host. So I can make changes to the content from anywhere, even my phone.

I'm planning to tidy up the very wordy landing page a lot, and I'll also add a blog there for release notes. But other than that, I don't expect to do anything significant to the site, because it's the app that's important!

Published on 26 November 2022